Unmasking the Illusion of “More, Bigger, Faster” and Unveiling the Real Road to Productivity

man in black suit relaxing on a white lounge chair

Are we really achieving long-term success through the relentless pursuit of “more, bigger, faster”? According to Tony Schwartz, author of “The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working,” this approach leads to burnout and mediocre results. The secret to true productivity lies in managing our energy, not just our time.

Think of your energy levels as a bank account that needs replenishing. Many of us operate in a constant state of deficit, depleting our energy reserves with each additional hour worked. But unlike time, energy can be restored and expanded.

The flaw in the “more, bigger, faster” ideology is that it prioritizes output over replenishment. We sacrifice sleep, wellness, and deep thinking for short-term gains.

Schwartz advocates for rhythmic cycles of energy expenditure and strategic renewal as the key to high performance. Just like our body’s own systems, work should follow a pattern of exertion and recovery.

To implement this approach right now:

  • Intentional breaks: Schedule breaks throughout your day for movement and light conversation.
  • Focus bursts: Work intensely for 90-minute intervals followed by dedicated renewal periods.
  • “Micro-renewals”: Find moments throughout tasks for rejuvenation through deep breaths or focusing on distant objects.

But it’s not only about personal benefits; it’s about the success of companies too:

  • Reduced burnout leads to engaged employees.
  • Renewal unlocks creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Sustainable high output depends on an energetic workforce.

It’s time for the modern workplace to shift from squeezing every ounce out of its workers to fostering an environment that enables sustainable high performance. Let’s move away from the cult of “more, bigger, faster” towards a human-centered approach focused on energy management instead of just time management.